Today I was working on my proposal and found this awesome article via Google Scholar that might help me identify a particular Gap that I was looking for. Clicked on the article, read the article, sounded impressive, however I have to pay to get the full article. It is fine to charge since the journal has to maintain their database somehow, but tell me is it logical that I am to be charged $30 for probably a paragraph that I will quote in my own proposal? That is approximately KShs 2600. Currently universities require over 20 references for the proposal. Assuming I paid for half of these then I would spend about 26,000 Kshs just to write my proposal. A feat I am not willing to partake. Thankfully there are the good people out there who provide journals free. An example is Directory of Open Access Journals: DOAJ. Definitely the different universities do pay for access to some of the journals, however isn't it our work as Scholars to provide open access to information that we have worked on. Are we not trying to make a change somewhere in the world?
Point of thought...!
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